Torchlight 2 console command item sets
Torchlight 2 console command item sets

torchlight 2 console command item sets torchlight 2 console command item sets

Setpetlevel # – Sets pet level to number entered.Cameradistance # – Sets Camera distance(WARNING: Number endered is the Multiplier for the distance).Room – Returns the room the player is currently in.Restartlevel – restarts the current level.Resetplayer – Resets players level, skills, and stats.Resetplayerlevel – Resets players level to 1.Alwayscrit – Player always gets critical hits.Playernotarget – makes monsters not target the player.Identifyall – identifies all items in the inventory.(as of right now doesnt work for items in pet inventory).Item Index#,count – Gives you item and quantity entered.(example: Axe 16,5 /this will give me the Axe in the 15th index slot and it will produce 5 of them.).Statpoints # – Gives statpoints in amount entered.Help – Gives list of all console commands.Allstats # – Gives amount entered in all stats.Difficulty – Displays current game difficulty.You can break it down further by typing “Axe”, or “Rifle” and it will list those only. Speed – Toggles additional speed for the character.

Torchlight 2 console command item sets